
A Murderous Graduation

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'OH COME ON GUYS!  Its our last hurrah!  Then we go off to Hellebore!  And from what I hear, there's a reason Hell is part of its name.'
'No thanks. Believe it or not, I actually want to do well on my finals.' The purple haired female replied.
'Fuck finals... We already got into high school.  They don't matter!'
Miyako glared at her idiot overzealous outgoing brother, and brought a book to her face. 'No.  That's that.'
Isamu was busy strumming his guitar, conveniently ignoring the conversation.  It mostly had to do with the fact he was going whether he liked it or not.  Mamo had that effect on him. He could stage one of his quiet protests all he wanted, but Mamoru would just end up dragging him out the door anyway.
'Fine... Don't come Miya.  But I am stealing some of your clothes okay?' He grinned impishly before looking at his twin. 'You, on the other hand, are coming. Like it or not.  And you're bringing Chihiro as your date.'
He made an abrupt, startled strum on his guitar, before glaring at Mamo. 'Hell no.  You know I don't like her that way,' came his quiet reply.
'So what? Bring her as a friend!  Besides, maybe it will distract Father. You know every time I go out, especially without you, he gives me the third degree.  But if I so much look at a guy, you know what happens.'
Sami put down his guitar and sighed. 'Fine. But you are dead meat if this starts circulating rumors about me.'
'If rumors start, I'll quiet them.  I promise.' Mamoru said with a grin.
'Oh and Miya, we'll be dragging you along so Father doesn't automatically suspect anything.' Sami gave his sister a glare that dared her to challenge him.
'I told you, I have to study!'
'I'm SUUUURE Mari can help sneak you back in.  Just need you till we're off the property.' Mamo said with a grin.
The middle triplet gave an excited fist bump, and then shoved Miya out of his room.

'Wow, I can't believe I'm going to the third year farewell.  Are you guys sure I'm allowed?'
'Of course, Chihiro!' Mamo said with a lopsided grin. 'You're here as my brother's date.  And since he's the quiet type, everyone's afraid of him, therefore he can get away with just about anything.'
'Oh cool!' She grabbed Sami by the arm and dragged him on the dance floor.  She would make her betrothed dance if it was the last thing she did.  Of course, she hoped it wasn't.
'Have fun, Isamu.' Mamo said putting on a Miya like sounding voice.  He then looked over at his date and grinned. 'And now, you're all mine... How do I look?' He spun around, the black skirt and half corset covering a fluffy white v neck top, with a white tank underneath.
'Somewhat old fashioned, but pretty damn cute,' the young purple haired goth boy replied as he brought his lips to Mamo's.
Mamo turned his head away and then took the boy back outside, and sat down on a bench, patting the seat next to him. 'Sit... I have something to tell you.'
The other boy looked at him curiously, but a frown was on his face. 'A conversation that starts with "I have something to tell you" never is good.'
Mamo looked away, but nodded. 'I wanted to make this our last hurrah, and a happy one.  I wasn't going to tell you until tomorrow, but I just couldn't do it. I'm going to Hellebore Misericordia.'
'Hellebore... isn't that the high school that is really hard to get into and the entrance exams ask all those questions about old legends and mythology?'
'Yeah.  I also applied to where my sister's boyfriend goes, another school with similar entrance exams, but ... Father insisted I go to Hellebore.  Something about all Masahiros having gone there, its tradition.' Mamo didn't bother to mention it was because the guy was human, which would get him double beatings.  Hell, his paramour didn't even know that his father beat him every time he heard mention of his 'obsession'. The other teen did at least know Father didn't approve of same-sex relationships though, hence the reason why they snuck around.
'I suppose you'll be boarding there too.  I know that's pretty much a rule for students that go there.  At least, I think it is.  I hear none of them are seen till they graduate.'
'Yeah, its a boarding school.  They made it into a boarding school because its heavy on academics, so kids spend more time at school than at home anyway.'  Okay, that wasn't ENTIRELY true.  Hellebore and Aeryus were boarding schools mostly for the people who were turned and who lived a distance away. Or just who wanted time away from their parents.  It was a lot like university that way.
'So we wouldn't even be able to date really anyway.  Even if your Father approved.'
'So I guess this is our end?'
Mamo nodded.  'For now at least.  If we're both single after high school graduation, lets make a pact to try again?'
The other boy nodded, biting his lip ring.
'Oh, hey... don't bite your lip please,' Mamo said looking away.  He couldn't risk blood coming out.  He wasn't perfectly in control yet... He only turned sixteen two months ago after all.
'Oh sorry.  I forgot, that really turns you on, and you're not ready yet.' The boy parrotted Mamo's own words back at him.
'Exactly.'  So it was an excuse, but Mamo didn't really care.  He had to be careful.
'Well, at least, can I have a goodbye kiss before we part ways?'
Mamo nodded. 'Okay.  But then I have to go home.'
'Okay.  then I'll drive you home.  You look like your sister, so your dad shouldn't suspect anything if he does catch us right?'
'I hope so.' Mamo bowed his head for a moment, before mustering up the courage to kiss his soon to be ex, even though they only had been dating a couple months.

Twenty minutes later, they were at the front door, standing on the porch trying to figure out the story they were going to tell Mamo's Father.  But before they even had a chance to settle on the story, the door flung wide open.  And either Father knew Miya hadn't gone to the dance, or he didn't look enough like her, because next thing he knew, he heard the door swing open, and felt knuckles hard against his cheek.  The force of the punch sent him flying backwards till he landed on the ground.  Of course since he'd become a full vampire a couple months ago, it meant his wounds now healed quicker than ever.  Before, he could pass for a human with his healing, now he couldn't.
'MAMORU!' The boy shouted running for his boyfriend on the ground.  He was of course surprised by the fact that by the time he reached Mamo, the teen didn't show any signs of being punched.
'Its okay, Jack.  I'm fine.'
'No you're not.  Your dad j-'
'JACK LOOK OUT!' Mamoru cried out.  He was quick enough to take the blow for the human boy, but ended up with a stake in the back.  Well shit... that wasn't good.
'MOVE MAMORU!' His father cried out, wrenching the stake out of his son's back.  He wasn't wanting to kill the kid, just teach him a lesson, when you disobey 'The Laws of Kyoko Masahiro'.  
'NO!' Mamo cried out. He kept himself lounged over the human boy, who was trying to wrangle free so he could protect his boyfriend.
Kyoko hoisted his son off the human boy, which at this point, he still hadn't realized was human, and threw his son toward the front door.  When Mamo hit the door, it broke apart from the force, leaving splinters in the poor teen's body.
'FATHER NO!' Mamoru said weakly, since he wasn't healing right now.  After all, wood was wood...  But his cry went unheard, and that stake went through the human boy's heart. Mamo let out an earsplitting scream when he saw that, knowing that boy wouldn't ever have a chance to live out his dreams.  Fuck his father! He'd murder that man if it was the last thing he did.  He heard a rustling in the bushes near the front door, and out darted a black cat, who bit into his father's leg.  It was that moment, he was pulled out of the rubble by his grandmother.  She had saved him from countless other beatings, but she had been too late this time. 'Where'd that cat--' He trailed off as he watched his father struggle with the cat.
'Mamoru, don't die on us, okay?  You have to hold out.'
'Y-yes Grandmother.'
'I called the police...'
'They're not going to do anything about Father.'
'I hope they will.  I will testify to it that he was the one to do all these tragedies.' The pinkish-red haired vampire said softly.
'They won't believe you either, Grandmother.  You look younger than us...'
'Well we have to try,' replied curtly as she started trying to pick out the splinters from her grandson's body. 'And if they don't do anything about it, I'll write your uncle.'
'I have an uncle?'
'Of course, who do you think is the minister for the Masahiro family.  Certainly isn't your father.'
'Oh... good point,' he muttered before starting to drift off.
'No Mamo, sweetie.  You have to stay awake.  You can't go to sleep...'
'But... tired.'
'Stay awake,' a male voice ordered.  It was soft, but harsh and unmistakable.  It was none other than his twin brother, Isamu.
'Kitty! You should be at the dance.'
'Like hell I should.  Miya called me as soon as she heard Father's first yell.' He started plucking out splinters with his grandmother, and bandaging the areas that still bled.
'Get the ones closest to his heart, Kitty.' Ashlily hissed.
'Yes ma'am.' He did as he was told, and then said, 'Mamo, we need to get out of here. This can't keep happening.'
'I can't leave. I'm too scared.'
'So am I.  But you can't stay here... And I won't send you off into the world alone.  If you stay here, Father will keep beating you for being yourself.  He'll kill every boy you bring home.  Even if they're just a friend.  And he won't pay the price.'
'But there's Grandmother... I can't leave her here.'
'I'll be fine, Mamo.  Your brother is right.  You aren't safe here.  I want all of you kids out of this house as soon as you can.'
'There.  He's in that room over there, officer.  And also, he'll try and convince you it wasn't him with his own eyes, but I saw it,' they heard their father's voice say.  He was pretending to sound distraught, but everyone in the house new it was an act.
'Mamoru Masahiro, we're arresting you for the murder of Jack Noshimato. You have--'
'It wasn't him!' Ashlily cried out, throwing herself over Mamo's body.  'Can't you see how broken and beaten he is?  Does he look like he was someone who could have killed him?'
'Appearances can be deceiving young lady.  And your father did say that he was the only one to see the murder.  So forgive me if I don't take you at your word.'
'Its okay guys, you don't have to protect me,' Mamoru said bravely.
'But Mamo...' Sami cried out.
'Its okay...  Be strong Kitty.  Take care of everyone, okay?'
Mamo held his hands out, and said, 'Okay... Arrest me.  But also, my injuries should be treated at a hospital, and only Merrow hospital has the equipment to deal with our family's allergies and special needs.'
The officer sighed but then nodded. 'Fine.'
Mamoru looked at his grandmother and Kitty one last time.  'Tell Mari and Miya I love them, and I will return, okay?' And then he was taken away.

*                         *                          *
A Few Weeks Later
Nokimaku Juvenile Detention Center
Nokimaku, Wind Quarter

'Vamp. You gotta eat.  You won't survive here otherwise.' A wind elemental was his roommate, and he was constantly trying to look out for him.  Convenient, since elementals knew of other supernaturals existence.
'I can't.'
'Hey... stop throwing a pity party for yourself.  You told me you have three siblings in danger... you have to survive here for them, remember?'
'No... I mean, I haven't fed since I left Merrow, which means human food won't sit well with me.'
'Oh... really?  Didn't Merrow give specific instructions?'
'This is a prison.  Do you REALLY think they'll listen?  The prison doctor says I'm fine, so they think I don't need anything.'
'Damn Mamo... First, you get knocked around by your dad for years, then you have to take the fall for a murder you didn't commit, and now you're getting abused in prison?'
'And not just medically speaking.'
'I know... they found out you're gay, which scores you 'points' so to speak with some of the guards.'
The prison guard then opened their cell door and said pointing at Mamo, 'You are being transferring to the Four Elements Juvenile Detention Center.  Apparently since you're the son of Aristocracy, the ministry now has to hear your case.'
Mamo looked at his cellmate, and mouthed, 'Good luck... only 47 more days for you! Write me when you get out, okay?'
The wind elemental nodded.
As Mamo walked down the hall in his cuffs, he sighed.  Grandmother had promised to get him help.  Why was he still in custody?  Hell, why was he being transferred to the FED Juvie? Just then he heard the guard say, 'He's in your custody now, Himura.'
'Got it.  I'll make sure he's transferred safely.'
Himura?  As in... And then as the guard turned away, Himura winked at him.  He was being saved? YES!  He however somehow managed to rein in his excitement until they were off the jail grounds and in Himura's car.  And then he hit the poor man with a barrage of questions. 'Are you the dad of Chihiro?  Am I free? Where are we going?  Am I really going to the FED juvie?  What about my dad and siblings and grandmother?'
'Slow down.  Yes.  I'm Kenshin Himura.  Father of Chihiro, and also the kid your sister Mariko is dating.'
'You are?  Awesome!'
'Thank you.  And yes.  You're free as soon as we get out of Nokimaku.  Unfortunately, you won't be able to return until your sentence time is served.  So, your uncle will be taking you in.  Your siblings are boarding at Hellebore, and I'll be keeping an eye on them. Well, except Mari. She got kicked out of the dorms for breaking curfew every single night of curfew.'
'WHAT?!  Please tell me she's not living with my father.'
'She is, unfortunately.  And because of the way abuse laws are, she has to live with your father, and I can't get anyone to allow her to tell her story without the presence of her father.'
'Yes... its a bad situation.  I hope she can last three more years in that house. Maybe four.'
'Grandmother will make sure she does.  Grandmother is one of the reasons I made it through junior high.'
'Yeah, your brother told me.'
'Oh...' He paused and looked out the window. 'I'm not going to see them, am I?'
'Probably not.  Where you're going, you'll not be allowed to have anyone over. And leaving the house will be tricky.' Kenshin paused and sighed, 'Besides the only one who can approve them leaving school is your father.'
'Fuck.' Mamo tried his best not to cry. 'How long is my sentence?'
'Four years almost.  You're free on your 20th birthday.  And then, I hope you all will come live with me.  Mari will hopefully move in the year before, but who knows. Your father is not an easy man.'
'I don't know if I can do this, Mr. Himura.'
'You can, and you will.'
'But... being away from my siblings... Kitty especially...'
'I know.  I'm going to figure something out.  I promise.' Kenshin then handed Mamoru a large manila envelope. 'Here... this is from Jack's parents.'
'I don't want to read it.  They probably think I'm a horrible person.'
'They don't.  Do you remember telling your grandmother about that cat you saw?'
'Turns out that it was Death's animal form.  So he made a house call to that family explaining what really happened.'
'What? Really?'
'Yeah, your grandmother explained it to me, but I can't tell you it, because it doesn't make any sense to me, so I doubt I'll get it right.'
Mamo carefully opened the envelope, and started to read the letter.
Dear Mamoru,
We found out what really happened to our beloved Jack. And we are sorry for all you have gone through, are going through, and will go through.  You should not have to pay the price for your father's sins.  I just wanted to let you know, that we do not hold you responsible for our son's death, and we thank you for your bravery in trying to save him. And risking your own death for his life.
I hear your sentence is going to be a long one.  Your lawyer told us that you'll probably in the FED till you become an adult. Well, by human standards.  I hear your people are considered adults the day you turn sixteen.  I apologize.  Is it offensive to say, 'your people'?  I'm sorry, this is all knew to me, but Mr. Death seemed to think that it was important we know that you're not human, and that's a lot of the reason you were arrested.  
Well, I guess I mean by that, Mr. Death told us that your grandmother tried to tell the cops that it wasn't you, but they thought she was your little sister, because of how young she looks. Anyway, there were a few things of Jack's that I thought you should have.  And then a gift from us.  Though you won't be getting the gift from us in this letter, but you'll see it soon enough. I hope the next four years fly by so you can get back to your family.
Again, thank you for what you have done for Jack.
Mrs. Noshimato
Mamo then pulled a few items out of the envelope. In his hand fell a small jewelry box. He opened it and found an odd assortment of rings and earrings, most of which he recognized as the ones Jack wore the day he died.   There was also a set of arm warmers, but also there was a painting of a black rose with blood dripping from it intertwined with a white rose, blood also dripping from it.  Surround the flowers were a bunch of dull, lifeless, gray flowers, but there were some to the right edge of the painting that had color, and it was painted to look like the color was spreading with the help of the sun and rain.  On the back, was a message. 'For Mamo and Sami.  Thank you for letting me draw your tattoos.  I don't know what exactly their meaning is to you, but they inspired this painting.  Using them as a representation of you, its a message of hope.  At least, I hope it is.'
Mamo chuckled softly. 'You always were a cheesy one, Jack.' The last item was a simple set of dog-tags.  Mamo knew the story of these.  They belonged to Jack's older brother.  He was a firefighter who died in the line of duty, and his dog-tags were passed on to Jack.  He noticed that there was a new dog-tag added though.  It had Jack's name.  He looked for something to explain that, but found nothing.
'Oh... um, Jack didn't pass his entrance exams, so he decided he'd become a firefighter. I managed to acquire the dog-tags they would have given him, and gave them to his parents. They handed them back to me after attaching the other dog-tags Jack wore to them, along with the rest of those things.'
Mamo sighed and then looked out the window.  He put the dog-tags around his neck, trying to hide his tears. 'Its not fair. He should be alive.' He muttered.
'And you should be with your siblings, having fun in high school.  But if there is one thing I've learned, its, what's done is done, there's no changing it.  Now, we just got to move forward, and make our lives better each day.'  He then stopped the car and then said, 'And we're here!'
They were then greeted by a man with the same color hair as Mamo. 'Hello, kiddo.  I'm Ryuu.'
'Hi.' He stood there stiffly not sure what to do.  Things seemed so different when his siblings weren't there.  Maybe it was them who made him able to be exuberant and outgoing.
'Hey, Kenshin, are you sure you didn't bring Isamu?  I hear he's the shy one.'
'Quite certain.  He's just going through a rough time.  Also, he's a little pale, I don't think the juvie in Nokimaku gave him the blood transfusions Merrow said he needed twice a week.'
'What?!  REALLY?!' Ryuu looked at Mamo and then picked him up in his arms. 'How are you even alive right now?'
'A miracle,' Mamoru said quietly.
'Okay, well, we'll get you fed.  I'm surprised you didn't take it by force.'
'My cellmate let me feed off him once a week, but this week I didn't get any.'
'Well, I suppose once a week is better than nothing... Wait... you fed off your cellmate?'
'Yeah... he was an elemental, so he knew about vampires.'
'Well...' Ryuu just stopped talking and took him inside.  'Katsumi! Find me anything with blood in it, and then call the doctor!'
'Kid here?'
'Yeah and he's malnourished!'
'I'll just bring in his stuff...' Kenshin muttered as he walked back to get things.
Frequently, I've referred to the fact Mamoru was abused in his past by his father.  This story takes place at the end of junior high, and the beginning of what should have been his first year of high school.

Yaoi Alert: kissing, crossdressing, reference to 'prison activities'
© 2017 - 2024 FieryMamaRow
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